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Involves the removal of one or more teeth from their sockets to improve and help maintain good oral health.

Atraumatic Extraction


The technique specifically designed to remove a tooth using specialized tools while causing minimal damage or trauma to the surrounding bone and soft tissues. This procedure often precedes a socket preservation graft to prepare the site for future dental implant(s).

01. Local Anesthesia is Applied
Oral of IV sedatives can also be used to achieve a higher state of relaxation depending on the needs of an individual patient.
02. Surgical Microscope is Used
The use of a surgical microscope allows Dr. Fokam to perform very minimally invasive extractions with thorough curettage/removal of any surrounding infection or foreign body (endodontic material) that may be present in the socket prior to socket preservation grafting.

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

While not all wisdom teeth require removal, wisdom teeth extractions are most often performed because of an active problem such as:

Pain & Swlling
Preventative Care

Wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure, generally performed under local anesthesia. Oral or IV sedatives can also be used to achieve a higher state of relaxation depending on the needs of an individual patient.

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Pre & Post-Op Instructions

Download our pre-operatory and post-operatory instructions for your extraction treatment.

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