Removal of Tori and Exostosis
Tori and exostosis are additional growths of bone either on the tongue side of the lower jaw or on the cheek side of either the upper or lower jaw. This procedure is generally performed under local anesthesia. Oral or IV sedatives can also be used to achieve a higher state of relaxation depending on the needs of an individual patient.
When Do They Need to Be Removed?
Impair Normal Function
Prevent the denture from sitting comfortably
Functional Crown Lengthening
Crown lengthening is a common procedure in which the gum line is repositioned in order to expose more tooth structure, effectively lengthening the part of the tooth that is visible in the mouth.
This procedure is indicated for esthetic reasons to significantly improve the look of your smile. It can also be necessary for functional reasons such as to grant your dentist better access to repair a fracture or cavity which would otherwise be inaccessible bellow the gum line.